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leadership skills

How to develop leadership skills at University

Leadership skills are crucial to success in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional careers. 

There are many people who fail to develop these skills or who do so on a trial-and-error basis with inevitable consequences in both their personal and work environments.

However, during the course of a university career, students have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in a safe environment that allows them to improve and correct those aspects that deserve special attention without major repercussions.

So one of the main advantages of developing your leadership skills in college is the access to all the tools, resources and experiences that will allow you to grow and test yourself in that sense.


Would you like to know what they are? We’ll tell you soon, but first let’s see what exactly we mean when we talk about leadership skills.


Types of leadership skills

There are many different types of leadership skills and each is important in different situations. Some of the most important leadership skills are:


  • Communication skills 

Leaders must be able to communicate effectively with others, both verbally and in writing. So, if you want to know how to improve your communication skills at University, we recommend you to take a look at this article.


  • Problem-solving skills

Knowing how to identify and solve problems by making decisions based on available information is fundamental to becoming a leader. This requires well-developed critical thinking, creativity and the ability to weigh the pros and cons of different options.


  • Time management skills

A leader profile is able to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively. This includes setting goals, breaking large projects into smaller tasks, and using time management tools or techniques.


  • Interpersonal skills

Leaders also excel at interacting with others in a positive and respectful manner to build strong and lasting relationships. To achieve this, they must use active listening, large doses of empathy and the ability to manage conflicts when necessary.


  • Adaptability

To be a leader, one must know how to adapt to new situations and know how to face changes as an opportunity. Therefore, this type of profile usually has an open mentality that allows them to continue learning and growing in any situation.


It may sound a bit overwhelming at first, but there are actually many personal and academic experiences that can help you to develop your leadership skills without you even realizing it.


6 activities to develop your leadership skills at University


leadership skills activities

1 – Join a debate club:

A good way to develop your leadership skills, and more specifically your communication and public speaking skills, is by participating in a debate club. You will learn the art of eloquence and nurture your ability to think critically about the wide variety of topics that are presented there.


2 – Actively participate in student support programs. 

Some universities, such as CIS University, offer their outstanding students the possibility of participating in mentoring and peer tutoring programs to accompany students who need it. An excellent opportunity to practice listening, effective communication and empathy among peers.

But there are also other options, such as our Ambassadors circle, which offers the possibility to train interpersonal skills with peers from other cultures and countries.


3 – Practice a sport

American universities are known, among many other things, for promoting sports through their Athletic programs. And it is no coincidence, since sports offer a great opportunity to train leadership skills and learn about teamwork, responsibility and the importance of achieving the goals set.


4 – Sign up for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to develop your interpersonal skills while doing something for others. 

At CIS University we have our own NGO (Cruzada por los ñinos) and foundation (International Studies Foundation) in which all students who wish to do so can participate in volunteering to help promote English language learning among underprivileged children. 

These experiences, in addition to fostering the personal growth of our students, are also a good opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others through the development of certain leadership skills during the process.


5 -Join a University Club

Beyond the Debate Club, there are a variety of different university clubs. In all of them you will have the opportunity to work with other students to address important issues, gain experience in decision making, and develop your negotiation and conflict resolution skills.


Or, put another way, joining a college club is an excellent opportunity to develop your leadership skills in a supportive and involved environment.

All in all, the university is not only a place where we go to study a career, but it can become the epicenter of a multitude of learning that will be very valuable in the future, such as your leadership skills.

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