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At CIS University, we know that internships are essential for the academic and professional development of our students.

At CIS University, all of our academic programs have two compulsory internships. We consider it essential that our students can put into practice what they have learned in class and begin to function in the labor market.

During their Sophomore year, our students will complete their first internship period. They will participate in a minimum 120-hour work experience at a company. These internship offer our students an excellent opportunity to explore their preferences for specific sector and take their initial steps into the professional realm.

In the fall semester of their Senior year, our students participate in the second period of curricular internships, where they work full-time at a company to acquire essential skills for their future professional careers. These internships are a valuable bridge to their future professional careers.

Internship procedure:


Receiving a student’s profile


Recruitment and search


Submission of applications


Process monitoring


Final decision

of students do internships
100 %
employability rate
95 %
agreements with national and international companies
300 +
hours of compulsory internship work
600 +


Patricia Rico-Avello
Patricia Rico-AvelloEqumedia
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Bachelor of Science in Business Management

My time at CIS University Endicott International has allowed me to start a successful and satisfying career at Equmedia, the fourth media agency in Spain in 2020. As a business student, I had the opportunity to do two internships and get a job right after graduating. During the first semester of my last year of university, I had to write my thesis while working full time as an intern at Equmedia, which was very demanding but made the whole experience much more realistic. CIS University has not only supported me in the past while I was studying, but they have also followed me in my footsteps and maintained contact throughout my professional career. I am very proud to be a CIS Alumni. They helped me shape my academic and professional career and the person I am today!
Sofia Gómez
Sofia GómezKuwait Petroleum International (Q8)
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Bachelor of Science in Business Management

CIS University and Kiri have been instrumental in helping me find a job. She regularly sent me job proposals, giving me multiple opportunities for interviews.
Zachary Zemmels
Zachary ZemmelsMADCUP
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Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

The opportunity to do my internship within the field that I want to work in, International Sports Management, has been truly a gift. International relations is exactly what I'm seeing here. We have teams from different countries and we have to figure out how to take care of the way we do business with different cultures, currencies, visa and travel issues.
Cristina Marín
Cristina MarínAgua enCaja Mejor
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Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communication

I consider the experience of my second year internship very positive since I learned to combine a work routine with my classes and daily tasks. I was lucky that, in my company, the contact with my boss was direct and daily and that, in addition, the internal communication was exceptional so that I could collaborate and participate in all departments. These experiences have helped me to lose my fear of the world of work. Now I know how fundamental it is to have a good atmosphere in the work environment. Thanks CIS!
Mateo Creel
Mateo CreelADM Sports
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Sports Management

After some weeks of learning the basics, I managed some projects on my own so it has been a super useful experience. CIS University helped me a lot, they basically connected me with the company, it was super helpful. I highly recommend doing an internship in Madrid.
Alfonso Villalonga
Alfonso VillalongaSony Pictures
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Bachelor of Science in Business Management

Thanks to the CIS internships at Sony Pictures, I was able to meet people with whom I have had the opportunity to develop professional collaboration (networking). In addition, they helped me to focus my professional career since I decided the direction of my future. Once I finished at Sony, I worked at American Express and Alantra. I am currently doing a MIM at one of the best business schools with the goal of doing an MBA at Yale.
Blanca Álvarez Tejedor
Blanca Álvarez TejedorGrupo Ganga Producciones
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Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communication

I think it is the experience that I have used the most during my CIS University years since it has been the beginning of my future. They have helped me decide and know what I really like and where I want to direct my work life. Learn, take advantage and enjoy the experience!
Catherine Montgomery
Catherine MontgomeryBe Madrid International Students
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Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communication

Working at Be Madrid International Students has allowed me to increase my communication skills and problem solving skills. I will definitely recommend doing an internship in another country. It has been an awesome experience for my resume and my own personal experience.
Javier Díaz
Javier DíazCien Volando Comunicación y RRPP
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Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communication

My internship took place in an event and marketing agency. Thanks to the close relationship with my boss, I have had the opportunity to learn much faster. I have collaborated in the coordination of events for: Mahou, Porsche-Mahou, Solán de Cabras, San Miguel and more. It has been a unique experience for my career and I am very grateful to the CIS internship department for having provided me with these unique internship.
Jesús Ubierna
Jesús UbiernaManagement Solutions
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Bachelor of Science in Business Management

Through CIS, I was able to start my professional career at Seven Eighths and continue it at Management Solutions. I got the experience and knowledge necessary to carry out my current job. In addition, thanks to the knowledge acquired at CIS University, with respect to the Business branch, I have been able to execute in different positions such as a developer and a project consultant.
Harrison Butler
Harrison ButlerADM Sports
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Sports Management

My experience here has been very unique and interesting, very different from the US, I would say. I really learned about the sport industry. Thanks to the experience provided by CIS University, my resume has definitely increased a lot and it's gonna be more valuable in the sport industry.