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academic career advice

Academic career advice to help you choose your university degree

Your advisor is the first link between you and the institution, and his job is to provide you with ideas on courses and extracurricular activities that are right for you, and even offer mentoring opportunities to enhance your college experience.

That is, university advisors act as a compass, guiding you through the myriad of choices, and ensuring that your academic journey aligns with your long-term goals.

Would you like to know some of their tips?


5 career advice tips for University students

Embarking on a university career is an exhilarating adventure, filled with dreams, ambitions, and some uncertainties. 

Here are some advice that can illuminate your path and ensure that every step is purposeful and aligned with your aspirations:


1 – Research, Research, Research

Before committing to a university degree, delve into the career opportunities it offers. Look for patterns in employment trends, and always have an eye on the most in-demand jobs for the future. Having this information will help you make better decisions.


2 – Self-Assessment 

Understand your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and aversions. This introspection can guide you towards a degree that you not only enjoy, but also excel in.


3 – Network Early

Build relationships within the academic community. Join university clubs, attend workshops, and participate in networking events.


4 – Seek Guidance

Never underestimate the power of advice, be it from peers, professors, or your university advisor. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and be always open to feedback.


5 – Plan Ahead

While it’s essential to be present and make the most of your current academic endeavors, always have a vision for the future. This includes exploring postgraduate options or considering avenues for immediate employment post your graduation.

But how about we go back to square one and dig a little deeper into how to find a career that really resonates with you?


university advisor


Exploring academic career opportunities

Before making a decision about what to study in college, it is essential to explore the vast academic landscape. 

So, in addition to researching on your own, you can also participate in a Pre-College Program to receive personalized advice and get a deeper insight into the university careers that best suit your tastes, skills and long-term goals.


An example of this is CIS University’s Pre-College Program, where you will not only be able to attend several “prototype classes” of the different careers, but also receive a Personal Development Report to boost your academic and professional career. 

CIS University pre-college program is not just another preparatory course, it is a comprehensive two-week experience where you will obtain the necessary tools to face your future with clarity and guarantees.

But that’s not all!


The CIS Pre-College program extends beyond the classroom by enriching your academic pursuit with a medley of extracurricular activities designed to immerse you in the lively campus life of Madrid.

So, if you still don’t know what career to choose, or you are curious about study abroad in Spain, sign up for the CIS University Pre-College Summer Program and take with you a well-drawn roadmap for your upcoming university journey.