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how to become a broker

How to become a broker: essential steps and educational pathways

Are you curious about the finance industry? If you want to know how to become a broker, read on.


In this post, you will discover which are the best courses and university degrees to start your career in the exciting world of brokerage.


Understanding the role of a broker in financial markets


We have all heard of brokers, either in movies or in real life, but do we really know what their job is? Let’s clear it up just in case.


A broker is a person who facilitates transactions in the financial markets, acting as a bridge between those who want to buy stocks, bonds or other assets and those who want to sell them.


In other words, a broker is an intermediary in charge of carrying out the financial operations of his clients in exchange for a fixed fee or a percentage of the value of the transaction.


However, in recent years, a number of persons have emerged in social networks inviting people to become traders. Therefore, before continuing with the explanation, it is worth clarifying the difference between trader and broker, so that we all know what we are talking about at all times.


Brokers merely advise and execute their clients’ orders. While traders perform these financial operations on their own account, buying and selling assets on their own behalf.


So the main difference between traders and brokers lies in the power of decision and the assumption of economic risks.


Having clarified this point, we can now go on to detail what the different types of brokers are and what their work consists of.


Types of broker and areas of specialization


Before becoming a broker, you should know that there are different areas of specialization within the sector. Thus, we find:


Stock Brokers


These brokers specialize in buying and selling shares on stock exchanges. They help their clients make decisions based on market analysis, trends and financial performances of companies.


Forex Broker


They focus on the foreign exchange market, facilitating their clients to buy and sell foreign currencies. This type of broker become essential for those involved in international trading, as well as for investors looking to make a quick profit through currency fluctuations.


Commodities Broker


This type of broker handles the buying and selling of commodities such as gold, silver, oil, gas, wheat or coffee, among others. Their function is to help investors and companies to protect themselves from the risks associated with market volatility.


Options and Futures Broker


They specialize in options and futures contracts, which are agreements to buy or sell an asset at a fixed price at a future date. Their role is crucial for investors seeking hedging strategies or who want to speculate on the price movement of these instruments.


Mortgage Broker


Mortgage brokers make it easier for real estate buyers to obtain loans. That is, they engage in analyzing the client’s finances and seek the best loan terms available in the market, becoming the key for their clients to qualify for new investments.


Insurance Broker


This type of broker is in charge of selling insurance policies to individuals and companies. Their job consist of evaluate the needs of their clients and find the best coverage options that exist in the market.


Online Broker


In this case, we refer to digital platforms that allow users to perform financial transactions over the Internet. These platforms offer tools and resources for independent trading, becoming a highly acclaimed option among retail investors thanks to their accessibility and low commissions.


CFD Broker


CFD or Contracts for Difference brokers specialize in making a profit from price fluctuations of different financial assets without actually owning them. This type of brokers operate mainly in the stock, index, commodity, and currency markets.


As you can see, each type of broker plays a specific role in the vast financial universe, catering to different needs and investment strategies. Thus, depending on the type of broker you want to become, you will have to choose one type of training or another.


how to become a broker


What should you study to pursue a career as a broker?


If after reading this you think that this profession may fit you, and you are wondering what are the necessary studies to become a broker, here is the answer:


Bachelor’s Degree in Business

The first step to become a broker is to study a degree that allows you to gain a deep understanding of business principles, financial management and economics — fundamental aspects to successfully navigate the rough seas of financial intermediation.


Which makes the Bachelor’s Degree in Business the most recommended career path to become a broker. Since you will not only learn about how financial markets work, but also how to manage a company effectively and make strategic decisions based on data.

Specialized courses in finance and investment strategies


Once you have finished your degree, it is advisable to broaden your knowledge through specialized courses in finance and investment strategies.


This kind of studies, which often include master’s degrees and certifications, focus on specific topics that are essential to become a broker, such as financial analysis, stock markets, commodity investments, etc.

Internships and practical experience: gaining industry insight


Studies are the basis to become a broker, but they are of little use if you don’t put them into practice. That is why it is so important to choose well the companies where you are going to do your internship.


Not only will they allow you to apply what you have learned in class, but they can also be the gateway to new job opportunities and an excellent way to establish a contact network within the industry.


And, in the same way that the company where you do your internship can mark the destiny of your professional career, so can the university where you decide to study.


Advantages of studying a Business Degree at CIS University in Madrid


Embarking on the journey to become a broker is not just about acquiring academic knowledge; it’s a path that leads to profound personal growth, especially if you decide to study abroad in Spain.


Fortunately, at CIS University, we offer more than just a degree; we offer an opportunity to transform your world view. Do you want to know why?


Global Perspectives


Studying in Madrid, the capital of Spain, will provide you with a series of resources and learnings that will not only help you become a great broker, but also get to know yourself better.


Madrid is a city plenty of culture, history and good weather, but also a thriving financial and business center. Therefore, studying or doing your internship in this city will make become you a direct witness of the interplay of international finance.


Practical experience from the first year


At CIS University, we are aware of the importance of internships in the academic and professional development of our students. We have agreements with more than 300 companies, and we help you find the internship that best suits your preferences from the very first year.


This experience is fundamental to understand how the markets really work, giving you a significant advantage when looking for a job or starting your own career to become a freelance broker.




Studying at CIS University means being part of a community of experienced professionals, successful alumni, and peers from different countries and nationalities. This, not only enriches your educational experience, but also allows you to build a valuable contact network.


An opportunity that can become a great resource for your professional career in the financial sector.


Personalized Approach


At CIS University, we strongly believe in a personalized approach to learning and strive to ensure that each student has the tools and support they need to achieve their goals. In fact, we have different student support departments that look after both the academic and personal success of our students.


So, by studying a Business Degree at CIS University, you’re not only embarking on an academic adventure, but also on a transformative journey toward a bright future. And that future, if you want it to, begins today.


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