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CIS University Hillary Clinton meets with Maria Diaz de la Cebosa, President of CIS University

Hillary Clinton meets with Maria Diaz de la Cebosa, President of CIS University

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with María Díaz de la Cebosa, President of CIS University and RFK Human Rights Spain during a ceremony at the US Embassy in Madrid.

The cordial meeting took place at the official residence of the US Ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso, as part of an international tour to exchange impressions and discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine with various political and social leaders.

They were able to speak about the strong connections that the US and Spain share through the various educational and social initiatives implemented by the University, its NGO Cruzada Por Los Niños, its ISF Foundation, and RFK Spain. 

In conjunction with the US Embassy in Madrid, the International Studies Foundation (ISF), which represents the corporate social responsibility efforts of the University, develops the Go American English program, offering English language training to students in their 2nd year of high school. Upon completion of the two-year course, students have the opportunity to participate in the Camino de Santiago Program

In this project, organized by ISF in collaboration with the Miami Mayor’s Office and Big Brother Big Sister of America, two groups of students from Spain and the US join together during the Camino de Santiago to participate in activities designed to promote interaction between both cultures and increase their overall level of social awareness.

In addition, RFK Human Rights Spain, in its quest increase awareness of human rights issues through education, offers the STTP (Speak Truth to Power) program, in which students of all ages, from elementary school to higher education, gain practical knowledge in order to directly create an meaningful change in society while promoting the ideals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It was a pleasure for Maria to represent CIS University, and to be able to share the different programs and projects we develop together with our social-impact organizations in order to strengthen understanding and work toward a better world.