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how to become a ceo

Guide to become a CEO at a young

In a world where innovation reigns supreme, young visionaries are breaking barriers and taking leadership roles faster than ever. 

The title of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is no longer reserved for those with graying hair or decades of boardroom experience, but for those who are able to understand today’s reality better than anyone else. And, on this point, young people have a head start.

However, ascending to the zenith of corporate hierarchy at a young age requires a combination of ambition, skills, and strategy. But how does one maneuver through this path? 

In this guide, you will find everything you need to know to become a CEO at an early age. Let’s embark on this journey together.


What does a CEO do?

The CEO is the person at the helm of an organization, guiding its course, shaping its vision, and ensuring its success. This entails making key decisions, managing resources, and aligning the organization’s strategy with its mission

But this is not all.

Moreover, CEOs interface with stakeholders, drive organizational culture, and ensure profitability while considering the wellbeing of their employees and the broader community.

In short, we could say that the CEO is like the soul of a company whose philosophy and personality will permeate the entire organization, and to be able to occupy this position requires a series of very specific skills.


9 Skills a CEO must have

The road to becoming a CEO is paved not just with knowledge and professional achievements, but also with a repertoire of skills and aptitudes that are indispensable for good performance.


1 – Leadership

Beyond mere management, a CEO should inspire and become the ultimate leader of the organization, inspiring and motivating teams, understanding their needs and rallying their efforts around a common goal.


2 – Strategic Planning

The success of a company hinges on its strategic blueprint. CEOs must be adept at setting long-term goals, allocating resources efficiently, and ensuring that every department aligns with the broader mission, considering market shifts and competition.


3 – Visionary Thinking

CEOs need the foresight to anticipate future challenges and opportunities. This involves understanding industry trends, recognizing emerging markets, and crafting innovative solutions that will propel the organization to new horizons.


4 – Decisiveness

In the business realm, hesitation can cost dearly. A CEO must be able to assess situations quickly, weigh pros and cons, and make informed decisions even when faced with uncertain situations.


5 – Assertive Communication

The CEO acts as a spokesperson for the company. Therefore, they must be able to convey the organization’s values, objectives, and strategies to stakeholders, employees, and the public in a clear and assertive manner.


how to become a young ceo


6 – Teamwork

Even at the top, a CEO is part of a team. Collaborating with other executives, understanding team dynamics, and fostering a culture of collective achievement is essential for organizational success.


7 – Ability to Delegate

No CEO can do it all. Recognizing this, they must trust their team, assign tasks based on strengths, and ensure that responsibilities are shared and executed efficiently.


8 – Adaptability to Change

The business landscape is ever-evolving. A successful CEO recognizes this and is not only receptive to change, but also proactively seeks transformative initiatives. In other words, they possess the resilience to navigate new challenges and the agility to pivot strategies in response to the shifting tides of the market.


9 – Financial Acumen

If the CEO is the soul of the company, finance is the heart. That’s why, to become CEO, you must be able to decipher financial reports, forecast economic trends, set budgets and ensure that the company remains profitable.


Mastering these skills is an ongoing journey, but it is precisely this dedication to growth and excellence what distinguishes true leaders. 

For, as it is frequently said, there is no professional growth without personal development.



How to become a CEO at a young age?

Embarking on the journey to a CEO position, especially at a young age, requires not only a set of skills, but also a harmonious blend of education, experience and a strong network of contacts. 

Let’s delve a little deeper into the milestones that can accelerate this journey.


  • University Degree 

Studying a business degree will give you the tools and theoretical foundation you need to become a CEO. Although, if you’re not sure if that’s the right path for you, we recommend you check out our article on what to study in college.


  • Job Experience

The earlier you start familiarizing yourself with the business environment, the more likely you are to become a CEO at a young age. But it’s not just about gaining experience, it’s about taking on new challenges that take you out of your comfort zone. That is why it is so important to choose carefully the companies where you are going to do your internship and the jobs you are going to apply for.


  • Networking

Building relationships within and outside your industry can open doors you didn’t even know existed. Consider options to study abroad for a diverse experience and global networking opportunities, and never underestimate the power of a coffee chat.


  • Masters Degree and other training and educational programs

An MBA or a business-related master’s degree can accelerate the process of becoming a CEO, and CIS University’s entrepreneurship program is a case in point.

A program designed for future business leaders that combines real-world challenges with academic rigor, offering students invaluable knowledge and a network of industry professionals to kick-start their journey to the upper echelons of business.


  • Stay informed

The business world is evolving rapidly. Read business magazines, attend events and follow top business leaders closely to keep abreast of new trends and expand your skill set.


In short, climbing the corporate ladder or leading your own venture as a CEO is ambitious. But with determination and the right resources, you can chart a trajectory that breaks the mold and become a CEO at an early age.


At CIS University, we’re committed to providing budding CEOs with the knowledge, tools, and opportunities to rise in the corporate world. 

Are you ready to reshape the future of business leadership? Study your business degree at CIS University.