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Laurent Bouaziz

The Lecture of Mr. Laurent Bouaziz, Vice President of Strategy for the NY DCX Agency

Conferencia de Mr.The Lecture of Mr. Laurent Bouaziz, Vice President of Strategy for the NY DCX Agency

On May 4th, Mr. Laurent Boauziz, Vice President of Strategy for the NY DCX Agency, surprised our Campaign Planning students with an interesting lecture.Laurent Boauziz leads client strategy and research @DCX Growth Accelerator, a consultancy focusing on marketing and innovation — working with brands around the world like L’Oreal, Coca-Cola, AB Inbev, Ben & Jerry’s, Fiverr, or Payless.Laurent spent 14+ years leading marketing strategy with Dannon / Danone, on brands like Activia, Light & Fit, and Danette — with deep experience in the US and globally, including work in key markets like France, Spain, and the Canary Islands.

In the conference: “Cultural Strategy Introduction to CIS-Endicott”, Mr Boauziz explained to the students what a Strategic Planner consists of; what are the steps to develop an effective strategy and some practical examples that have given several awards and recognitions to his agency.

After the conference the students were able to ask him several questions about the future of the profession and advertising.

Thank you Laurent for your time and effort, It has been a great pleasure!