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how to improve interview skills

How to improve interview skills?

Mastering interviewing techniques has become as critical as earning a university degree

While a degree can open doors to new opportunities, it is your performance in an interview that will ultimately determine your path.

So, how can you ensure that your interview is not just a formality, but a powerful step toward your career goals? In this article, we reveal how to improve your interview skills to land your dream job. 

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10 tips that will help you improve interview skills

Interviews are a pivotal part of the job search process, and improving your interview skills can dramatically increase your chances of being hired. Whether you’re a fresh graduate stepping into the job market or a seasoned professional seeking new opportunities.

Here are some invaluable tips on how to improve your interview skills, ensuring you stand out in today’s competitive job market:


1 – Research the Company

Understanding the company’s values, culture, and recent achievements can significantly boost your confidence. This knowledge not only shows your genuine interest but also helps you tailor your answers to align with the company’s ethos.


2 – Practice Common Interview Questions

Familiarize yourself with commonly asked interview questions and practice your answers. This preparation will help you respond with confidence and clarity during the interview.


3 – Body Language Matters

Non-verbal cues speak volumes. Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and sit up straight. These subtle gestures can convey confidence and enthusiasm.


4 – Listen Actively

Listening is as important as speaking. Pay close attention to the interviewer’s words, which can give you insights into what the company is looking for and help you tailor your responses more effectively.


5 – Dress for Success

Your appearance should be aligned with the position you are applying for. Dress appropriately for the industry and company culture, leaning toward a more formal side to show your professionalism and seriousness.


6 – Prepare Your Own Questions

Asking insightful questions not only demonstrates your interest in the role but also shows that you’ve done your homework. It’s a chance to engage more deeply with the interviewer and learn about the company from an insider’s perspective.


7 – Manage Stress

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but managing stress is key. Techniques like deep breathing or positive visualization can help calm your nerves and keep you focused.


8 – Follow Up Post-Interview

Remember that iron,- like candidates-, can be worked while they are still hot. Send a thank-you email within 24 hours of your interview. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.


9 – Seek Feedback

If you have not been selected, ask your interviewer for feedback. This can give you valuable information on how to improve your interview skills and where you need to focus.


10 – Stay Positive

Sometimes you win and other times you learn. A positive attitude can make a significant difference. Even if you face rejections, view them as learning opportunities and stay motivated in your job search journey. 


But let’s dig a little deeper into mastering these skills. How can you truly stand out in an interview setting and make a lasting impression?


7 steps to improve your interview skills


improve interview skills


Mastering the art of job interviews is more than just answering questions; it’s about showcasing your best self. 

That’s why, in addition to the tips we just shared with you, we want to point out some supplementary steps that are also important to improve your interview skills:


1 – Understand the job description

Thoroughly review the job description before the interview. Understanding the key requirements and how your skills align with them can help you articulate how you are a great fit for the position.


2 – Develop a strong narrative

Your career story should be compelling. Develop a narrative that connects your past experiences, skills, and goals to the position for which you are interviewing. This narrative approach makes your answers more engaging and memorable.


3 – Reflect on your accomplishments

Identify and articulate your major accomplishments in your previous roles. Be prepared to talk about these accomplishments in a way that demonstrates your contribution and impact.


4 – Use the STAR method

Structure your answers using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method. This technique helps to provide clear, concise and structured answers, especially for behavioral questions.


5 – Familiarize Yourself with Different Interview Formats

Interviews can vary in format from one-on-one to panel interviews, or even virtual interviews. Familiarizing yourself with these formats can help you adapt your strategy and perform confidently in any setting.


6 – Refine Your Cover Letter over and over

There is a well-known saying on the topic of personal improvement, “Never stop sharpening your axe, or your tool of work.” While your cover letter may not be the focus of an interview, having a well-crafted cover letter can complement your application. It’s a chance to make a strong first impression even before the interview starts. 


7 – Be Mindful of Your Tone

The tone of your voice can convey confidence and enthusiasm. Practice speaking in a clear, positive, and professional tone to make a great impression.


If you follow these steps, you’ll be a little closer to your dream job.

Although, truth be told, in addition to improving your interviewing skills, you also need a solid knowledge base to get there.

And that’s where CIS University comes in.


Would you like to study at a university that not only shows you how to interview successfully, but also prepares you for today’s world of work?

If so, contact CIS University and find out how we can transform your aspirations into a successful career.