There is an expression in advertising and marketing:
“If you cannot communicate it, it doesn’t exist.
If you cannot defend it, it won’t last.”
Communication skills, what are classically called “eloquence,” can come together as creativity, strategy and teamwork, in one of the most in-demand skills by corporations and organizations.
Often, in daily life, we find ourselves in situations in which we must defend our perspective before others’ opinions. In these moments, our dialectic is more important than any other skill that we can develop. As the experts of political communication say, “victory is raising the argument, not the tone of voice.”
The first debate of the semester
Following the model of American universities, CIS University continues the tradition with its own Debate Club, in which, through preparation sessions with the professors in the Department of Modern Languages and Literature, the students have been divided into two contending groups.
The question was: Should mental health classes be obligatory in secondary education? Both groups in turn deploy their arguments in favor and against the proposal. Various successive rounds replicate the purpose of rhetorically dismantling the arguments of the opponent. And after various turns of heated debate, the audience votes to choose the winning team, resulting in the victory of the “pro-classes” team.
All this involves mutual respect and uses the value of the word as the only weapon, because as the T-shirts of the participants said: “any change begins with an act of eloquence”.